Skip to main content adds ‘snipe the streamer’ mode for pile-on gameplay

Browser-based blockchain shooter has released an innovative “snipe the streamer” mode pitting a single, powerful player against a team of antagonists.

The concept of “sniping the streaming” comes from the unofficial tactic of players watching a real-time stream of a gamer and using the information to attack the streamer.

The development team have baked the mechanic into the new mode, balancing the play by reducing damage done to the streamer with every hit.

There is no actual streaming ability built into the game. Instead, the streamer, who sets up the game session, inputs a Twitch address at the start of the game. They also can set how many opponents they will face and how many lives they have. is made by Addicting Games, a California-based publisher of casual mobile and online games run by founder Bill Karamouzis.

The game’s philosophy and blockchain integration is relatively simple: players who purchase skin and weapon NFTs (unique digital assets) are eligible to earn tokens for playing. The business model is advertising-based, with player returns tied to success and time spent playing, although this ad model does not yet appear to be fully implemented. The image below shows an in-game ad from a sponsor. advertising

It is also possible to play the game entirely for free, without earning any rewards. The game’s blockchain elements are based on the Solana blockchain and the game runs in browsers on both desktop and mobile devices.

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