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Do the blockchain gaming numbers add up?

Gaming is a tough industry, but it’s also a big industry with rich rewards. Global revenue estimates vary wildly, but a reliable source (Newzoo) says gaming will be worth $188b in 2023, around double what movies make worldwide. Read

July 6, 2024

Illuvium’s launch. Navigating early challenges.

Polemos has seen some exciting developments in blockchain gaming, undergone several internal changes, and our content team has returned our focus to our blockchain gaming origins. This newsletter will catch…
March 15, 2024

Is crypto giving up on gamers?

When blockchain gaming had its big investment spurt in 2021, many believed that colonising mainstream gaming would be just a matter of time and marketing. Through 2022-23, that belief was…
March 1, 2024

Illuvium Overworld: A game in need of a point

Playing Illuvium has made me realise again how important story is to enjoyment in a game. Last weekend I fired up the Illuvium Overworld beta and experienced the game’s full…


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Key Characters podcast

The most interesting characters of blockchain gaming speak in this must-listen podcast. Hear guests such as Shrapnel CEO Mark Long and Wildcard’s Katy Drake Bettner and Paul Bettner on how they are making the next generation of games. Read