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Play it my way: Testing Dr Disrespect’s vertical shooter

YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect

In-development vertical extraction shooter Deadrop is the work of infamous YouTube streamer Dr Disrespect and his studio, Midnight Society. 

The multi-player will be free to play when it eventually launches, so you won’t need to own any NFTs to jump in. (There’s no confirmed release date yet, but there is at least one report that a beta will land by the end of 2023 – at the earliest).

While we wait, Midnight have been releasing early-dev snapshots for feedback, but these playable builds have only been accessible to players with a founder’s pass, an NFT that takes on the shape of a Deadrop character known as a Variant. 

Pass-holders also get access to unique call-signs and a VisorCortex, a skin for your helmet.

An example of a founder’s pass profile page.

The first in-game footage of these visors was released this week:

If you weren’t one of the 10,000 who claimed a free or cheap ($50) founder’s pass, you can buy one from a marketplace such as OpenSea. (Mine cost me about $250). 

In the final snapshot before the project moves on to less frequent, more substantial playable updates (the first of these drops on March 17, and access is also limited to pass holders), Polemos got its first look at Deadrop’s multi-player mode and it looked pretty promising.

The loot of the dead

Set in a desperate world at the end of “the climate wars”, Deadrop has players attempting to reach an extraction point at the top of a tower. Players can also choose not to be extracted, and instead stay and take on the world’s other survivors. 

To win, you either get extracted with all your loot, or kill all the remaining players and claim the “deadrop”, all your victims’ loot. 

There’s only one map in development currently, but more are rumoured. Each map would likely be based around one main tower. These forbidding buildings are taller than you’ll find in similar shooters like Escape from Tarkov.  In general, vertical combat plays a much bigger role in Deadrop than in other shooters.

Deadrop’s development team includes Quinn Delhoyo, who previously worked on Halo Infinite, and Robert Bowling, a former creative lead at Call of Duty. 

The multi-player Proving Grounds

In the latest Deadrop snapshot – SNAPSHOT CL7287.1 to be precise – we get our first taste of the game’s multi-player mode. These multi-player training areas are aptly named the Proving Grounds.

After clicking play, you are put into match-making and thrown into a random point in this medium-sized area shaped by factory buildings.

The whole of this arena is in the “blockout” phase of design, with no textures, but players can test the movement and the multi-player fighting. 

It’s interesting playing inside an unfinished map. Without textures you have no camouflage and you get a much clearer idea of the shape of the map.

Once the map is closer to completion, there will be many more ways to move around it unseen, and the map itself will have more in-depth detail, hiding the basic outline.

The hazy, untextured state of the Deadrop map.

This map is said to be one-third the size of a full sector. There will be multiple sectors surrounding the tower at ground level and after you get through these areas and make it to the base of the tower, the real game is said to begin.

You can slide or climb along wires, and climb along the edge of ledges and up ladders. This movement is crucial to the play-style of the game. 

The wires work well but animation updates are required to really get the level of immersion players will want. 

The climbing and ladder mechanics are clunky and fail to activate unless perfectly aimed. Some angles don’t work at all. 

There are lifts that have had more work done graphically than the rest of the current build and they definitely give you a feel for the verticality. The healing stations placed around the map are clearly placeholders.

Weapons stash

There are also blue loot boxes dotted around the map. Their colour makes them easy to find in the hazy yellow demo. They contain ammo, weapon mods and attachments, larger bags, car skins and other collectables. 

A blue loot box from Mogglin’s play-test.

With the exception of ammo, these items can’t be used in-game. Only once you’ve been extracted can you attach them to your weapon, or equip the bags for your next run.

I’m looking forward to this being changed in the next snapshot. Being able to add a sight to your weapon mid-game would definitely make the zero-to-hero play much more fun and achievable.

I prefer to enter with either a basic pistol, or nothing at all and only use the weapons and ammo I find. (This preference is mainly due to the dragon-like hoarding that is part of my personality, but others do this for fear of losing gear. In fact, hoarding is a flaw that is very well suited to the blockchain elements of Deadrop as real ownership adds weight to the items you collect in the game).

Weapons are always found in the same places on the map, but which weapon you’ll find in any particular spot is random.

The weapons can be collected and used in-game and then taken back to your stash.

The extraction

The firing range, taken from Dr Disrespect’s first gameplay video.

The tower is not accessible in snapshot 4’s Proving Grounds, but about five minutes in, a timer appears indicating that a couple of extraction points will be opening soon and, after they appear in the arena, they are indicated by a white icon on your HUD. 

Once you get to them, you’ll see they are the shape of a door, with a red light above it and a key panel. This is the extraction point. Just hold down “E” on it for a few seconds and you are out with your loot. There is one exception I found on this map: a helicopter on the helipad sometimes becomes the extraction point. 

Once the tower is introduced, and the extraction points are inside it, I expect to see them built into the design a lot better than just keypads on doors.

As mentioned, you can also win the game by killing or at least surviving all the other players.

I only managed this a couple of times, seeing the victory screen and being awarded all the items that were left in the game by dead players (the “deadrop”).

It is a very satisfying feeling to see the loot on the screen and select what you want to take. Or, in my case, hit the “Take All” button.

Sound effects mastered

Elsewhere in this snapshot, players can access areas such as the hideout, the firing range and a new area, the garage. Currently these areas are at various points between proxy and refinement stages.

The hideout, where you first start in this demo, all the way through to the firing range looks high quality, even before the final polish is complete. 

The ambient sound effects and mood music fit the dystopian setting well. 

The garage is just past the point of proxy, and has had some colours added, but, again, the sound effects are already great. 

The gunplay still needs work, especially the animations and kickback/spray, but the sound effects that come from shooting – and even the shells hitting the ground – are up to scratch. 

Break it down

A screenshot of Variant’s weapon’s stash from Dr Disrespect’s first Deadrop gameplay video.

Gameplay mechanics: Overall, the basic mechanics are being added to Deadrop, but they are far from finished. But most mechanics I would expect to see present in this game are there, which is good. 

The fall damage is severe and this could get interesting if they decide to keep it given the vertical design of the game. I have a feeling that after feedback from the community, this feature will be reduced in some way.

The story: There hasn’t been any lore released that I could find. Some of the in-game item placeholders are comic book collectables, which would be a nice way to include lore in the game without a real story mode.

Replayability: As the game is designed around a similar principle to Tarkov, the replayability is already there, but with the added ability to be a supplier of weapons and equipment at a profit, I could see the replays increasing even more with Deadrop. In snapshot 4, the game is fun to run over and over, even though the items collected now will be reset.

Access: A founder’s pass is needed to access this version of the game. This pass is an NFT that takes on the shape of a character called a Variant and can be purchased from a marketplace such as Opensea. To do this you will need to understand what a wallet is and how to use it, so check out Polemos’ course on wallets in the Forge.

From there you need to create a game account on their website, connect your wallet and transfer your NFT into the founder’s verification. This is a wallet made for you, in your game account that is custodial (held by the game itself). Once proven, you have the ability to transfer the NFT. You can then remove it back to the safety of your own wallet for safe keeping while your game account holds the rights to the utility the NFT offers. This is reset when the NFT is verified by someone else if you choose to sell it.

Overall, Deadrop certainly has potential. It just needs to live up to the high standards gamers expect from FPS games.

*Note that the leading image is AI-generated and is based on Dr Disrespect’s likeness – Polemos/MidJourney)

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