Browser-based first-person-shooter (FPS) is one of, if not the most, accessible game in the crypto space.
I shrugged it off when I first discovered it a year ago. The graphics didn’t quite draw me in and the gameplay felt simple.
But the studio behind, Addicting Games, has built a loyal following among pro players; my teammates in tournaments for The Harvest, Metastrike and other FPS games have been pushing me to check it out again. “There is a huge competitive scene once you start learning mechanics,” they say, or: “It might look simple to learn, but trust me, you can spend a hundred hours and still get rekted by some of the pros.”
I am playing in’s Earn Alliance Creator Cup, which opens January 27, so I recently decided it was time to train up.
A few games in, it became clear how unprepared I was.
But my pro mates came to the rescue and below are are their top tips if, like me, you’re just getting started with
Sort your settings
One of the first things you must do is go into your menu, by pressing M, and click on Settings. Next, scroll down to where I have in the image below and use this set up:

You don’t need to hide everything, but it does help to stop all the distractions and clear up your screen during the match. You can also gain a few additional frames per second.
There are possible use cases for impact sparks or bullet glow so feel free to try those out individually to see if they help your gameplay.
Field of view (FOV) is a huge setting to play with. You will have to test it on specific weapons, but I would strongly suggest using a wider, non-zoomed FOV 90-100 and for most weapons 40-zoomed will be a good starting point. Then you can move around as you need, and based on maps.
As shown in the image above, 100 FOV gives you enough visibility to see targets and have general situational awareness.
With a FOV of 40, as seen in the above image, you get a nice line-up on your target for ranged attacks, but still works in close range skirmishes as well.
One click teleport is also an important setting once you understand the teleport ability. It saves you from clicking twice. This can be a get-out-of-jail card in risky situations and allows for some sexy game-breaking plays.
Now you have the right settings, let’s look at your abilities
The set-up in the above image is generally what people use at the higher levels, but it takes time to understand how best to use it.
Starting with the left top you have 3 points to allocate. From left to right, it is Stamina regen, Teleport, and bonus Jumps.
Early on you will find you are struggling to have stamina. You run all over the map and will find yourself an easy target for anyone in the area. So it may be a good idea to start with a couple in stamina until you learn how to slide, jump and impulse your way across the map efficiently.
Eventually, you will want to run three in teleport because this is the only way to get the scope off of you and position yourself in a spot to win.
It allows you to teleport three times, leading to an intense mind game of teleporting, doing 180s teleporting and then doing it all over again.
The rest are just what many of the higher tier players use so feel free to play around with them.
I am still working on my movement skills, but below is one combo you should use as much as you can:
Sprint for a couple seconds
Slide (release the sprint button)
Jump (add a little spring in here)
And repeat…
Watch I how I do it in this video below (where I am cheating with three points in stamina!):
The goal is to keep the gold wind VFX going whenever you are sliding and jumping, and releasing the sprint at key points so it will recharge.
When you combine those slides with teleports, it can really make you a difficult target.
I’m still learning myself, but once you are able to do this and hit your target, you are well on your way to earning some e,’s token that can be exchanged for Solana.
You gain e for every kill in earn matches. This is a relatively small amount in general, but if you buy their NFT skins it can increase your earnings. also have events from time to time where the earnings can increase substantially, but beware, this is when the real sharks come out. In the last tournament, all of the whitelist tokens were gone in the first 24 hours.
I hope this gives you some footing in this competitive space. I know it can suck when one of these monsters rampage a 40 – 0 win, and you die 20 times. That could happen to me in this weekend’s tournament! Wish me luck!
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